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Property Management Blog

Blog Post Property Maintenance in Utah: Preparing Your Property for Success

Property Maintenance in Utah: Preparing Your Property for Success

Utah landlords have a lot to be thankful for. The scenic landscapes of our state are breathtaking to have right outside our city limits. But the rolling mountains of our region also bring some special considerations for maintaining a property for renters. This is on top of normal...
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Blog Post The Ultimate Guide to Buying a Profitable Investment Property in 2024

The Ultimate Guide to Buying a Profitable Investment Property in 2024

Thinking of buying an investment property in Salt Lake City? If so, you're on the right track -- real estate can be a great source of passive revenue.Of course, not every real estate investment will lead to long-term financial stability. To make a real profit, you'll firs...
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Blog Post How to Write Effective Rental Listings: Tips for Crafting Compelling and Informative Rental Property Advertisements

How to Write Effective Rental Listings: Tips for Crafting Compelling and Informative Rental Property...

Writing effective rental listings is an essential skill for any property owner or manager. A well-crafted advertisement can attract high-quality tenants, minimize vacancy rates, and ultimately increase the profitability of your rental property. Whether you own a single-family hom...
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Blog Post How to Create a Tenant Welcome Package: Suggest Items and Information to Include

How to Create a Tenant Welcome Package: Suggest Items and Information to Include

Welcoming new tenants to your rental property is a critical step in building a positive landlord-tenant relationship. A well-crafted welcome package not only helps tenants settle in quickly but also sets the tone for their entire stay. For property owners in Utah, especially thos...
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Blog Post

Rental Valuation Guide: Why Do You Need Accurate Property Assessments?

Median rent prices in Salt Lake City dropped 1.5% in October 2023 to $1,329 after increasing by 1% in the past month. With rents dropping, landlords might need to adjust their prices to stay competitive. The right rental price can help you find good tenants quickly and avoid cost...
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Blog Post

How to Save on Utilities in Your Rental Home

Living in a rental home comes with its own set of challenges and opportunities, especially when it comes to managing expenses. One of the most significant recurring costs is your utility bill.Whether you&#...
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Blog Post

How to Handle Noise Complaints: Tips for Peaceful Coexistence

Living in a rental property comes with numerous advantages, such as flexibility and the absence of long-term financial commitment. However, one of the common challenges tenants often face is dealing with noise complaints. Noise can disrupt daily routines and significantly affect ...
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Blog Post Market Updates June 2024

Market Updates June 2024

This month we are excited to announce that we have two new features rolling out before the end of June (and have two major announcements coming in next month's update so stay tuned!). In addition, we will discuss the highest rent collection rate of the year, new legislation a...
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Blog Post

Market Updates for June 2024

This month we are excited to announce that we have two new features rolling out before the end of June (and have two major announcements coming in next month's update so stay tuned!). In addition, we will discuss the highest rent collection rate of the year, new legislation a...
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Blog Post

5 Property Portfolio Management Tips Essential to Beginner Success

Real estate has remained one of the best investment vehicles for individuals to grow their wealth. Even with the struggles over the past few years, real estate continues to hold steady and increase in value. That makes it a great reason to build a real estate portfolio.But how do...
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